Terms & conditions AIMA
General Terms and conditions for all AIMA events:
1. It is every individual’s responsibility including the staff, volunteers, vendors, and contractors, to understand and comply with COVID Safe work practices, including training in COVID Safe behaviours.
2. all patrons must be fully vaccinated
3. ensure patrons must scan the Service Victoria QR Code poster at the entrance exists
4. Face masks must be worn by all
5. Check the Victorian Government’s coronavirus website (https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au) on legislative requirements and specific restrictions that may apply. Tickets should be refundable if a ticket holder is unwell.
6. Our COVID Safe Event has been registered with the Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (DJPR).
7. We always follow coronavirus.vic.gov.au closely for any announcements and developments to activity restrictions, exposure sites and public health directions.
8. We will continue to monitor the Restricted Activity Directions (find here https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorias-restriction-levels-covid-19 ) and Public Events Framework (find here https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/public-events ) in the lead-up to our event, to ensure it still complies.
9. For any queries if you would like to write, please write to: COVIDSafeEvents@ecodev.vic.gov.au
10. Remember we all need to be COVIDSafe.
11. Transferring a ticket from one to another person is not acceptable. Check our event current as on the day live information from our website: https://www.cateredu.edu.au/aima-awards. Please ensure you check your emails and follow us on our AIMA Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AIMAMelbourne .
12. Evacuation assembly points are as per the venue or facility at the entrance of it.
13. Seats: Please sit at your allocated seats only where applicable
14. Children area and Prams: designated pram area only.
15. If there are any symptoms for any attendee of the event which includes the event organisers, we request the volunteers to send the person home in suitable and safe private transport, so the risk of potential coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission is reduced. If the person cannot travel home identify an area where the person can remain in isolation until they are able to travel home
16. Our record keeping system will record the name, phone number and area for each attendee in a way that complies with privacy obligations.
17. Ensure attendee contact details available to the event organiser and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to facilitate contact tracing if required
18. Where applicable and practicable, we will link the ticket information to a seating/location map, categorised by row or section
19. Each attendee is asked to do a symptom self-assessment prior to leaving home and not attend if they are unwell or have been instructed to isolate or quarantine.
20. To minimise movement, attendees must stay within their allocated spaces or seats where practical.
21. Requirements for face covering, observe cough etiquette and personal hygiene measures.
22. A reminder of public health measures is followed in the ticketing sales process, visible on the ticket or we will send an email as a reminder.
23. Hand sanitisers are available at entrances and throughout the venue to encourage hand hygiene of staff and attendees.
24. Workers and volunteers should complete the Staff Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Questionnaire and not attend work when unwell. Required Staff Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Questionnaire
25. Share COVID Safe Event Checklist with on-site vendors and contractors. Vendors and contractors should provide their COVID Safe Plans to the event organiser.
26. Any food and beverage service must align with the Victorian Government’s coronavirus (COVID-19) hospitality sector guidance and the Restricted Activity Directions. Required Hospitality sector guidance